Calls for Papers and Events, South Asian Media and Cultural Studies


You are invited to an online panel:

Dr. Gopalan Ravindran, Central University of Tamil Nadu

Dr. Francis Cody,  University of Toronto

“Spatialities, Materialities, and Communication in South India”

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 11:00 AM -12:30 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting :

Gopalan Ravindran (Ph.D. University of Madras, Chennai) is Dean, School of Communication and Professor and Head of the Dept. of Media and Communication at the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India.

His research and teaching activities focus on the following areas: Critical Theories and Philosophies, Political Economy of Journalism and Communication, Spatiality, Temporality and Materiality of Communication, Critical Pedagogies in Journalism and Communication, Film Cultures, Digital Cultures and Diasporic Cultures. He has co-edited two books in Tamil. He is the editor of the book, Deleuzian and Guattarian Approaches to Contemporary Communication Cultures in India(Springer, March 2020). His book, Spatialities and Materialities of Communication in South India was published by Peter Lang, Berlin, in July 2023.


Dr. Francis Cody, Associate Professor, Anthropology and Asi​an Institute; Director, Centre for South Asian Studies; Director, Dr. David Chu Program in Contemporary Asian Studies, University of Toronto

Francis Cody is an Associate Professor in the the Department of Anthropology and the Asian Institute at the University of Toronto.  His research focuses on language and politics in southern India.  He first brought these interests to bear on a study of citizenship, literacy, and social movement politics in rural Tamilnadu. This work was published as a book called The Light of Knowledge (Cornell 2013), winner of the 2014 Edward Sapir Book Prize awarded by the Society for Linguistic Anthropology.  Cody’s more recent research traces the emergence of populism and transformations of political publicity through Tamil and English news media. This work explores questions of law, technology, and violence in claims to representing popular sovereignty.  Taken as a whole, his work contributes to the transdisciplinary project of elaborating critical social theories of mass mediation and politics in the postcolonial world.

The talk is hosted by the South Asian Media and Cultural Studies Research Program, School of Communication, and the John H. Phipps Professorship in the School of Communication, Florida State University.  Questions:


International Conference on MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES

25 – 27 August 2022



Call for Papers: South Asia Communication Association at AEJMC 2022, Aug. 3- 6, Detroit, Michigan

Present your research on South Asia at research sessions of the South Asia Communication Association (SACA), at the 105th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), in Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan, from Aug.3 (Wed.) to Aug. 6 (Sat.) #AEJMC22.View the call for papers online at

SACA Steering Committee (listed by last names)

Deb Aikat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Nandini Bhalla, Texas State University

Delwar Hossain, University of South Alabama

Srividya “Srivi” Ramasubramanian, Syracuse University

Abhijit Sen, Winston-Salem State University

Jatin Srivastava, Ohio University

S. Shyam Sundar, Pennsylvania State University

Harsh Taneja, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

50th Annual Conference on South Asia, October 19-22, 2022

53rd Annual Conference on South Asia

The Annual Conference on South Asia invites scholars, students, and professionals to Madison, Wisconsin, for a three-day event featuring research panels and round tables, lectures, performances, film screenings, booksellers, association receptions, and other special presentations! The conference has grown year-by-year since its inception in 1971, welcoming over 1100 registered attendees in 2019.


Call for Papers: Beyond Borders : Youth, Politics and New Solidarities in Post-Covid South Asia

Editor: Prateek Srivastava, University of Cincinnati

It has frequently been stated during the COVID-19 pandemic that ‘no one is safe until we are all safe’. This is most commonly talked of between nations, but, importantly, it applies within various communities which don’t see any borders. Youth in various parts of the world have exemplified solidarity in times as everyone struggles to find common ground. Young people demonstrated solidarity, successfully coordinated among themselves, cooperated to share and allocate resources, and leveraged regional governance arrangements. The shifts established by young people through various forms of solidarities are bound to influence patterns of thinking and doing in a post-COVID era. Now as we leave the pandemic behind, and work step out of it, we have created several ‘new’ solidarities to build back better, and take inspiration from. Political institutions and systems around the world need to absorb the central lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the experience of young people that have responded and subsequent challenges through their activism. The principles of solidarity should be embedded in any new pandemic governance instrument, and parties should be convened regularly to review progress, encourage accountability and reinforce solidarity norms. Keeping these newly built scenarios at the forefront, this edited collection will critically analyze various forms of new solidarities and transformations in post-covid South Asia.

We are interested in contributions that draw on, thoroughly research and empirical work on topics related to, but not limited to, the following:

  • Social structure and inequality
  • Identity and social media and the internet
  • Political participation, mobilization
  • Political Activism in South Asia
  • Transnational Solidarity Networks
  • Youth and policy challenges
  • Politics and Digital movements
  • New forms of political resistance
  • Social and Cognitive Justice

We encourage proposals from diverse multidisciplinary perspectives, including the arts, media, political science, gender studies, performance, textual criticism, legal studies, religious studies, sociology, etc. Scholars from underrepresented communities , and those at their earlier stage of their careers ( especially graduate students) will be prioritized in the selection process.

Interested authors should send their name, affiliation, and an abstract (300-350 words) to: The deadline for consideration is May 31. Based on accepted papers, a special issue proposal will be submitted to the Routledge Book Series – Academics, Politics and Society in the Post-Covid  World, edited by Prof. Lewis Gordon, Prof. Rozena Maart, Dr. Epifania Amoo-Adare and Dr. Sayan Dey.

Timeline: Accepted authors will be notified by mid-June. Full papers will be expected by October 31 2022. A virtual workshop will be arranged in November 2022. Please send any questions to:

“Media Meet 2021” international virtual conference, “Media/Crises: Challenges and Choices,” to take place on August 27-28, and September 11, 2021



Media Meet 2021 Schedule


MEDIA MEET, the annual conference of the Department of Media Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore, India is back with its 12th edition themed, “Media/Crises: Challenges and Choices”.  Links to the conference livestreams and schedule can be found at: .



Call for Papers: 28th AMIC Annual Conference, Science Communication: Managing the Now and the Future

We are pleased to invite you and your colleagues to attend and present a paper at the 28th AMIC Annual Conference. The conference theme is Science Communication: Managing the Now and the Future.
The virtual conference is scheduled on 20 and 27 November 2021 and 04 December 2021. The conference will be co-hosted by the Academy of Journalism and Communication (AJC) in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The deadline to submit abstracts is on 15 August 2021.
Among the topics for discussion during the parallel sessions are the following:
  • Science Communication Paradigms
  • Science and the Mass Media
  • Science Communication Education
  • Science Communication Strategies & Practices
  • Science Communication in the ICT Ecosystem
  • Science Communication Issues
  • Science Communication Issues in Vietnam (Sessions will be in Vietnamese)

Visit for our Call for Papers including specific themes, abstract format, and submission procedure.

If you are interested to present a paper during the conference, please submit your abstract via Abstract Submission Form (



South Asia at the South Asia Communication Association (SACA) session at AEJMC 2021, (Aug. 4-7)

“Turning the page: Media Research on South Asia & Its Diaspora Worldwide”


We invite you to present your research at the 2021 South Asia Communication Association (SACA)’s refereed-research session at the 104rd annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), virtual conference, August 4-7, 2021 #AEJMC21.

In our commitment to the 2021 AEJMC conference theme “Turning the page,” SACA will host an interactive paper session. AEJMC 2021 promises to be an innovative, interactive and exciting conference.

Deadline: 29 June 2021:

See the call for papers online at

Thank you.

SACA Steering Committee (listed by last names)

Deb Aikat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

Nandini Bhalla, Washington and Lee University,

Srividya “Srivi” Ramasubramanian, Texas A&M University,

Abhijit Sen, Winston-Salem State University,

Shyam Sundar, Pennsylvania State University, and

Harsh Taneja, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.



CFP: The beginning of the end of the global?

Global Fusion 2021, October 29-31 online – Texas A&M University Department of Communication

Nationalist, populist, sectarian, and schismatic pressures have appeared world-wide since the era of “high globalization” which characterized capitalism in the 1990s and 2000s. China, Russia, India, Brazil, and the UK are powerful states all making new claims on self-determination, independence, and geopolitical influence. Meanwhile, the political fracturing of old national alliances have also accompanied the new geopolitics, with consequences for popular communication and media industries. Taken together, do these transformations mark the beginning of the end of the global?

Media globalization topics of traditional concern to Global Fusion are welcome. We are especially interested in receiving proposals for papers and panels on the following subjects: populism and global media, international popular communication, global media and pandemics, journalism under conditions of authoritarianism, social media and authoritarianism, cyber-terrorism, journalism and social inequality, development communication, media and trade policy, mediated race and ethnicity, and communication rights. We welcome submissions from all theoretical and methodological approaches.

Abstracts of 250 words for conference papers are due on August 15, 2021. Graduate competition papers must full-length and be submitted by September 1, 2021. Email submissions in MS Word to Please put either “abstract submission” or “graduate competition” in your email’s subject header.

This conference will be conducted online over the weekend of October 29-31, 2021.

About the conference: Global Fusion is a 21-year-old, continually held conference consortium of global media researchers from Ohio University, Southern Illinois University, Temple University, Texas A&M University, the University of Texas, and the University of Virginia. Traditionally, it has provided a scholarly forum for graduate students in media and communication studies to present or co-present research, often together with their academic advisors. The conference also welcomes participation from junior and senior scholars from communication fields.




The Annual Conference on South Asia, UW- Madison

2021 Call for Papers

Dear ACSA Community,


We hope you are all safe and well, and we are excited to announce that the second competition for panels, roundtables, and single papers for the 49th Annual Conference on South Asia will open on Monday, February 22nd, 2021. Due to anticipated UW-Madison restrictions on large gatherings, the Conference will be held virtually this year, with more details to follow.


If your panel, roundtable, or single paper submission has already been accepted, we will honor your previous submission for the upcoming conference.  While the second competition will be smaller than the previous call, we invite new or revised submissions by Monday, April 5, 2021. in accordance with Conference policy.  Please note conference policy barring multiple submissions, as well as the limitations on the number of panels within which each individual may appear.




Media Meet: An International Virtual Conference

27-29 August, 2020

The Department of Media Studies of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore, India, is honoured to host its flagship event MEDIA MEET 2020, an International Virtual Conference in collaboration with Griffith University, Queensland, Australia and Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States. The conference hopes to make way for participants to mutually share knowledge and interact with a wide range of eminent professionals and experts from the media industry and academia. For the 11th year running, the Conference shall include research paper presentations, workshops, panel discussions, guest lectures, performances and much more.


A story about the collaboration with FSU is at: to an external site.



The conference schedule, links to the YouTube feed, and conference call for papers are below.  The schedule is in the Indian Standard Time zone.



27th August 2020
28th August 2020
29th August 2020


Media Meet 2020 can also be followed on:


For more details, visit our website
Mail us at


MM2020 Schedule (1)



Call for Papers:  Global Fusion 2020 (Virtual) Conference

(In)visibility in Global communication: Connections and inequities

Submission deadline: 11:59 P.M. (EST) Monday, July 20, 2020

Organized by Southern Illinois Universities Carbondale (SIUC) & Edwardsville (SIUE) October 9-11, 2020

GF Call for Papers 2020 w logo

2020 Conference Postponement Announcement

Center for South Asia, a member of The International Division at UW-Madison

Dear Annual Conference on South Asia Community,

We express our heartfelt appreciation to those who have already registered and submitted proposals, and we look forward to being in touch soon regarding committee notifications.

After carefully monitoring updates from our campus leadership on the COVID-19 crisis, we have, in consultation with the International Division, decided to postpone the 49th Annual Conference on South Asia to October 2021.  We take public health guidelines seriously, and the lives and safety of our national and international community are our most important priorities.

All committee notifications will be sent out soon, and please know that (1) accepted submissions for symposia, single papers, roundtables and panels will be honored for the 2021 ACSA in-person meeting, (2) the committee will review revisions to accepted proposals on a case-by-case basis, (3) your registration for the 2020 competition will be rolled over to the 2021 meeting, (4) we will be running a second, smaller competition for additional submissions in the spring, and (5) the Madison Concourse Hotel will be issuing refunds for all reservations made through the group code, though please do not hesitate to contact them at (608) 257-6000 if your refund is not processed automatically.

In light of the postponement, we are working on a plan to showcase panels on time-sensitive issues during the 2020-21 academic year.  The Conference has been a vital gathering for scholars and students of South Asia, and we hope to continue to serve the community in innovative ways during this difficult time.  Once again, we sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm for the Conference and support for the Center.

Please stay safe and healthy, and take good care of you and your loved ones.



Media Research on South Asia and Its Diaspora Worldwide: Saving the Planet through Better Media and Communication

We invite you to present your research at the South Asia Communication Association (SACA)’s
refereed-research session at the 103 rd annual conference of the Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), virtual conference, August 6-9, 2020 #AEJMC
2020 . AEJMC 2020 promises to be an innovative, interactive and exciting conference.

Call for Proposals
● Present your research on media and communication in South Asia or its diaspora worldwide
at AEJMC Virtual Conference, August 6-9, 2020 #AEJMC2020.
● Submit an extended abstract by 11:59 p.m., EST, June 2, 2020 (Tues.), 2020. Notifications
of acceptance: June 10, 2020.
● Dr. Nandini Bhalla , Washington and Lee University, and Deb Aikat , University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill will constitute a research review committee to judge papers for the
SACA session. If you have questions, email Dr. Deb Aikat < >, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.



International Communication Association 2020 Preconference

Gold Coast, Australia


Digital Cultures of South Asia: Inequalities, Infrastructures, Informatization


Date & Time: 9:00 am to 5.00 pm, Thursday, May 21, 2020


Extended abstract due: Monday, January 20th, 2020


Final decisions on acceptance: Friday, February 14th, 2020


Please submit your extended abstracts to conference coordinator Dr. Roshni Susana Verghese at


More information at:




Hello, Seminoles! Welcome to the start of a great year of SASA! We are back and better than ever and our E-Board is very excited to meet you all!


Our first GBM is coming up next week, so be prepared for fun games, trivia, and tons of new information! We will take you to all the parts of South Asia, all while being right here on campus!


Our GBM will take place on September 11th, this Wednesday, at 6:30 PM in the Student Services Building in room 201 (SSB 201)! So come out and don’t miss it!


And check out our Instagram for updates and so on.. @fsusasa



“The more you study, the more you know how less you know” – Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan


University of Wisconsin-Madison, South Asia Center

48th Annual Conference on South Asia, October 17-20, 2019

53rd Annual Conference on South Asia

Call for Papers:

South Asia Communication Association (SACA): Voices of South Asia and its Diaspora:

A Research Session at ICA, Washington D.C.,  24-28 May 2019

Call for Proposals

  • Paper presentations on media and communication on South Asia and/or its diaspora
  • Part of the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May 2019, Washington, D.C., USA
  • Peer review by a committee of scholars of media, communication, and South Asia
  • Deadline for proposals: January 18, 2019 11:59 p.m., EST, (5 a.m. UTC)
  • Notifications of acceptance: February 22, 2019

We invite you to present your research as part of a refereed research session on South Asia or the South Asian diaspora. Since SACA is an institutional member of ICA, this session is part of the official program of the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington DC, USA May 24-28, 2019. In our commitment to the “Communication beyond boundaries” theme of the 2019 ICA conference, the South Asia Communication Association (SACA) will host an interactive paper presentation session. Research papers will be selected in this session based on peer-reviewed extended abstracts.

Submission Guidelines:

[Thoroughly read these guidelines before you submit. The link to submissions follows the instructions]

  1.  Submit an extended abstract of 750 to 1000 words, which is approximately two-pages in 12-point type, with an additional page of references or endnote citations (see point 5 for details on how to submit)
  2. Dr. Srivi Ramasubramanian, Texas A&M University, and Dr. Harsh Taneja, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, will constitute a research review committee to judge papers for the 2019 conference.
  3.  All submissions will be peer reviewed on five criteria: Relevance, originality, theoretical/practical contribution, clarity of writing, and fit with the conference theme.
  4.  We will email notifications of acceptance by February 20, 2019. Selected authors must present in person their talk as part of the session to foster interactions on research on South Asia or the South Asian diaspora.
  5. Submit your papers by following this link:
    You may be required to create an EasyChair account in order to submit.

We are using EasyChair’s customized conference management system to keep the process organized and to facilitate anonymous peer review of the submissions.

Please do not email your abstracts to anyone on the SACA committee or ask others, including session organizers, to submit on your behalf. 

Instructions for submitting via EasyChair

  1. First, complete biographical details form for you and your co-authors (if any). For co-authored submissions it is important to designate one co-author as the corresponding author.
  2. Second, enter a 100-125 word abstract in the textbox for abstracts.
  3. Third, you must also enter 4-7 keywords (one per line) in the appropriate box.
  4. Fourth, your extended abstract should be uploaded as a file attachment (Microsoft Word or PDF) which includes the 1) title and 2) main body not exceeding 1000 words which explains the motivation/theory/argument driving your research work, and the evidence/ results. You may add references or footnotes/endnotes, which do not count towards the 1000-word limit. Since these are extended abstracts, we strongly recommend that you list only key references in your submission.

Do not include any identifying information in your submission. Do not cite yourself in a way that reveals who you are. Submissions with identifying information on the main document will be disqualified.

About SACA

With over one-fourth of the world’s population, South Asia has emerged as an important region for politics, international security, health communication, culture, media and other relevant issues across the repertoire of our field. The South Asia Communication Association (SACA) represents a joint effort of media and communication scholars and practitioners in South Asia and the South Asian diaspora worldwide. The SACA was constituted 2015 in San Francisco as an umbrella organization with a presence in a number of different organizations and their conferences. The SACA members includes teachers, scholars, researchers and professionals who examine the media and communication practices of the nine-county region of South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and the South Asian diaspora worldwide. SACA members may constitute people from any of these nine nations or any other nation with a South Asian diaspora.


“From the Land of Gandhi”

An “Engage Your World” lecture series presentation of a documentary film on high skilled immigration.

Wednesday, November 14, Auditorium, Center for Global and Multicultural Engagement

Reception at 4:30 pm, film at 5:00-7:00 pm

This story of four high-skilled immigrant families, a decade after they came to study in the US, places a human face to the employment-based Green Card backlog. The film also highlights the need for reforming America’s high-skilled immigration at a time of intense globalization and retirement of the baby boomers.

SASA’s Lassi Fundraiser!

Come out for some delicious mango lassis on Thursday, November 8th in front of Strozier!

Thu, Nov 8, 2018 10:30 AM EST – 1:30 PM EST at Strozier Library

South Asian Students’ Association

Contact: Zaimah Mithavayani



Wed, Nov 7, 2018 6:30 PM EST – 10:00 PM EST at Union Ballrooms

Come out to the Union Ballrooms on November 7th for our annual Diwali Event to celebrate the Festival of Lights! We will have performances, music, and FREE food!

South Asian Students’ Association

Contact: Zaimah Mithavayani



SASA’s Mendhi Social

Come prepare for Diwali by getting your henna done with us!

Mon, Nov 5, 2018 6:00 PM EST – 8:00 PM EST at Center for Global Engagement Dining Room

South Asian Students’ Association

Contact: Zaimah Mithavayani,


SASA’s Samosa Fundraiser

Wed, Oct 31, 2018 11:00 AM EDT – 1:00 PM EDT at Market Wednesday

Come out to Market Wednesday for some delicious samosas!

South Asian Students’ Association

Contact: Zaimah Mithavayani,

Women in South Asia: Who Are We?

Mon, Oct 15, 2018 6:00 PM EDT – 8:00 PM EDT at Bellamy 243

We will discuss and initiate conversations about the issues surrounding women in South Asia such as arranged marriages, the wage gap, etc.

South Asian Students’ Association

Contact: Zaimah Mithavayani,



Film Screening, “My Name is Khan”

Kathleen Erndl Memorial Event, Sept. 11, 2018

There will be a special screening of the film My Name is Khan (2010, directed by Karan Johar, starring Shahrukh Khan and Kajol), hosted by the Religion Department in memory of Prof. Kathleen Erndl, on Tues., Sept. 11 from 6:30-9:30 PM in Dodd Hall Auditorium.  Dr. Erndl would annually show this film during the week of 9/11. My Name Is Khan is the story of an Indian Muslim man in post-9/11 U.S.A. who embarks on a journey across the country to tell the President “My name is Khan, and I’m not a terrorist.” The film is in Hindi/Urdu and English, with English subtitles, and runs 161 minutes. There will be a brief reception before the film in the foyer.  All are welcome to attend.



Bollywood_Blockbusters  (poster)

The Center for Global Engagement presents Engage Your World: The Intercultural Dialogue Series


Bollywood Blockbusters: Capturing Audiences World Wide

by Dr. Nandini Lakshmikantha


Monday, October 30 at The Globe Auditorium

Reception: 5pm to 5:30pm (refreshments will be served)

Presentation and Discussion: 5:30pm to 6:30pm



Indian films have carved their niche in the world of cinema in their own way: a little over melodic, a little more overacting, and with highly packed emotions.   This lecture will trace the history of great Indian cinema, and look ahead to its future.

Dr. Lakshmikantha currently serves as the Director and as a Professor at the School of Communication at Manipal University in the state of Karnataka in India.  She has served as Director at the Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies in Bangalore, as well as a Lecturer at Sheshadripuram College in Bangalore.

Dr. Lakshmikantha undertakes research in the Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Health Communication, Sports Communication, Media Education, Education Rights, and Inter-Personal Communication, and teaches in the areas of media and current affairs, media laws and ethics, and marketing research.  She received her doctorate from Karnataka University.

Her visit to Florida State University is sponsored by the John H. Phipps Fund for Excellence through the FSU School of Communication.

This talk is held in collaboration with:

South Asian Media and Cultural Studies Program

Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research

Global Peace Exchange

South Asian Student Association

Dr. Lakshmikantha will also present on Health Communication and its Status in India earlier in the day. This talk will be held from 12:30pm to 1:45pm at University Center Building C, Room 4400 on October 30.




February 20, 2017

Dear Religion Students and friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that our beloved colleague and friend Dr. Kathleen Erndl passed away yesterday. We will miss her wit, her brilliance, and her kindness.

I have no information at this point about the arrangements, but I will pass those along as I hear about them.

Aline Kalbian

(posted by Susan Stetson)


Hinduism Film Festival, Spring 2017

Films Spring 2017


Greetings from the Dept. of English and Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod !

Kindly find the attached Call for Papers of the International Symposium on 21st Century Indian Political Documentary Films going to be held from 14th to 16th February, 2017.

Doc Film International Symposium-Central University of Kerala

You are requested to send the Title and abstract of your talk/paper by 15 January 2017 to

Sorry for cross posting, if any.

Requesting your participation and cooperation.



Dr. Vellikkeel Raghavan


Dept. of English and Comparative Literature

Central University of Kerala

Vidyanagar Campus, Post Vidyanagar

Kasaragod Dist., India, PIN 671 123

Alternative Email:

International Communication Association Preconference

Tryst with Democracy: 70 Years of Media in Independent India – Successes, Challenges, Interventions

CFP ICA 2017 Pre-Conference -Indian media and 70 years of independence

Venue: University of California, San Diego
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2017, 9 am – 3.30 pm
Deadline for submissions: February 10, 2017, to

Sudeshna Roy (Stephen F. Austin State University, USA)
Daya Thussu (University of Westminster, UK)
Vipul Mudgal (Common Cause, India)


“Education, Community Participation, & Women Empowerment in a Rural Pakistani Muslim Community”

Dr. Ayesha Khurshid,  Education Leadership and Policy Studies

Thursday, October 6th, 2:00 – 3:15 pm, G103 Stone Building, FSU

In contemporary times, empowering individuals, especially women, and communities as the primary agents of development has become the cornerstone of international development discourse. This intense preoccupation with empowerment, however, has been criticized by some development and feminist scholars for expecting individual actors to become self-reliant, instead of addressing the structural issues of inequality. Instead of approaching development and empowerment paradigms as solely “good” or “bad,” this talk examines how these paradigms are approached, translated, and contested in day-to-day lives of the subjects of these paradigms. Using ethnographic data, this talk highlights how three sets of actors involved in a transnational women’s education project – a development organization, female teachers, and male community members in Pakistan – differentially approached empowerment. This examination of the competing understandings of development and empowerment reveals the need to pay attention to different forms of inequalities that exist in different contexts as well as the need to embrace the unevenness of development and empowerment processes in these contexts.

Here’s a Fall 2016 course for any interested graduate students and advanced undergrads.  Students will do a project, which can certainly be in the area of media communication.

REL4359-4   RLG5354-4   Topics Asian Rel: Pop Culture & South Asian Religions           Dr. Kathleen Erndl

This course explores popular culture in religion and religion in popular culture focusing on case studies of Hinduism, Islam, and Tibetan Buddhism in exile in interaction with cultural artifacts from the visual arts, music, film, comic books, popular fiction, and the Internet.  Prerequisite for undergraduates: At least one course on religion or history of South Asia.  No prerequisite for graduate students.

Kathleen M Erndl, Associate Professor of Religion, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1520,

Film Screenings/Spring, 2016, Prof. Kathleen Erndl

Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in Dodd Hall Aud.

REL 3333 Ramayana/ REL 4359/RLG 5354 Banned Books in South Asia

All students are welcome to attend all films; bring your friends.

1)  Feb. 2      Lajja (Shame), 2001, dir. Rajkumar Santoshi, 202 min., Hindi (Related to Ramayana, not Nasrin’s book of the same name).

2)  Feb. 9.   Swades (Our Own Country), 2004, dir. Ashutosh Gowariker, 194 min. Hindi.

3) Feb. 16.  Water, 2004, dir. Deepa Mehta, 114 min., Hindi.

4) Feb. 23   Raavan, 2010, dir. Mani Ratnam, 139 min., Hindi.

5)  Mar. 1    Fire, 1996, dir. Deepa Mehta, 108 min., English.

No film Mar. 8–Spring Break

6) Mar. 15.   Ram Teri Ganga Maili, 1985, dir. Raj Kapoor, 178 min., Hindi.  (Sanskrit students: This is a retelling of Sakuntala.)

7) Mar. 22.   Black Friday, 2004/2007, dir. Anurag Kashyap, 167 min. Hindi/Urdu.

8) Mar.  29  Amu, 2005, dir.  Shonali Bose, 98 min.  English (subject to availability.)

9) Apr. 5.   Nine Hours to Rama, 1963, dir. Mark Robson, 122 min., English.

10) Apr. 12 open

11) Apr. 19 open


Engage Your World Series, Guest Presentation by Dr. Pankaj Chakraborty, “Prospects for Peace and Conflict in South Asia.”

Thursday, January 21, 2016, 5:30 pm, Center for Global Engagement, Florida State University.

This is the opening session of the South Asian Media and Cultural Studies 2016 conference.  This event is also sponsored by the Fulbright Outreach Lecturing Fund, which helped support Dr. Chakraborty’s visit.


Prospects for Peace and Conflict S Asia_Spring 2016

“Utilizing University Engagement,” FSU Headlines Radio story featuring Omar Ismail and Rohan Samarajiva

Special Guest Presentation: “Information lives of the poor: Fighting poverty with technology”

Dr. Rohan Samarajiva, LIRNEasia, Sri Lanka

Thursday, January 7, 2016, 3:30-4:30 pm

University Center Building D, Room 1103, Florida State University




Rohan Samarajiva is founding Chair of LIRNEasia, an ICT policy and regulation think tank active across emerging Asia. He was CEO from 2004 to end 2012. His most recent co-authored book (2013) is Information lives of the poor: Fighting poverty with technology, published in English, French, Myanmar and Spanish. Samarajiva was Team Leader at the Sri Lanka Ministry for Economic Reform, Science and Technology (2002-04) responsible for infrastructure reforms, including participation in the design of the USD 83 million e Sri Lanka Initiative. He was Director General of Telecommunications in Sri Lanka (1998-99), a founder director of the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka (2003-05), Honorary Professor at the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka (2003-04), Visiting Professor of Economics of Infrastructures at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (2000-03) and Associate Professor of Communication and Public Policy at the Ohio State University in the US (1987-2000). He serves as Senior Advisor to Sarvodaya (Sri Lanka’s largest community based organization) on ICT matters. Samarajiva is a Board Member of Communication Policy Research south, an initiative to identify and foster policy intellectuals in emerging Africa and Asia.

More about Dr. Samarajiva at: at

This visit is sponsored by the John H. Phipps Fund of the FSU Foundation, the FSU South Asian Media and Cultural Studies research program, and the FSU Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research. Please contact Steve McDowell at or 850-644-2276 if you have any questions.

Visit by journalism faculty members from Pakistan

On November 8-10, 2015 we hosted Mr. Ali Inram (campus radio manager, University of Peshawar Campus Radio) and Mr. Bakht Zaman Yousafzai (executive producer/news anchor/teacher, University of Peshawar Campus Radio) for a visit to Tallahassee and Florida State University. They were visiting a number of journalism and communication programs in the United States. Our guests were also accompanied and hosted by Mike Kiel, U.S. Department of State (retired). As part of the visit they met with students and faculty, attended one class, prepared stories for their station, and visited local radio and television stations (WCTV, WFSU, WVFS). They also visited DOMI Station, an entrepreneurial start-up incubator, and attended the FSU Student Veteran Film Festival’s showing of The Hornet’s Nest.



From left to right:  The Hornet’s Nest” co-director David Salzberg, Bakht Zaman Yousafzai,  Ali Inram,  Bob Brooks, Stephen McDowell


Doctoral Candidate Mariam Shaikh Earns First Place for Emergency Communication Research

Mariam Shaikh’s research got her first place at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) 63rd Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV this past October. Full Story



Student Ashley Tressel Earns Award for Paper, “Media and Drone Strikes: Understanding Newspaper Tutorials”

In October 2015, Media & Communication Studies student Ashley Tressel received the Competitive Communication Scholarship Student Top Paper Undergraduate from the Florida Communication Association (FCA) for her paper, “Media and Drone Strikes: Understanding Newspaper Tutorials.”  (Full story)

Special Screening for the week of 9/11 of My Name is Khan

You are invited to attend, as part of my Bollywood course, a special screening for the week of 9/11 of My Name is Khan (dir. Karan Johar, 2010, in Hindi, Urdu, and English with English subtitles) on Tues., Sept. 8 at 6:30 PM in Dodd Hall Auditorium.

Dr. Kathleen M. Erndl
Department of Religion
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1520

kehte hai, ke agar kisi bhi cheez ko dil se chaho to puri ki puri kaynaat tumhe use milaane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai.

Making News in Global India: Media, Publics, Politics

Talk by Dr. Sahana Udupa, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 5:30-7:00 pm, part of the Engage Your World series

Auditorium, Center for Global and Multicultural Engagement, Florida State University

Dr. Sahana Udupa is a social anthropologist and communication studies scholar researching political cultures of media, religion and urban transformation. She is Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany. Her first book, Making News in Global India: Media, Publics, Politics (Cambridge University Press) is a critical reading of news cultures and urban politics in post-liberalization India. The second book (in preparation) explores the political dynamics of social media cultures in urban India and among the diaspora in Europe, to draw attention to the flux of new voices that articulate the aspiration of “New India”. She has published in premier journals including American Ethnologist and Media, Culture and Society. She was a visiting scholar and currently an affiliate at the Centre for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

Visit sponsored by the FSU Center for Global Engagement, FSU School of Communication, South Asian Media and Cultural Studies, and the FSU Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research.

book cover full image

Omar Ismail’s project featured in FSU Student Profiles

“It is Ismail’s dream to be a social entrepreneur, and he’s getting that opportunity. By working with the nongovernmental organization mPower Social Enterprises Ltd., he will receive firsthand experience researching the use of information and communication technologies to assist agricultural workers in rural Bangladesh. In order to embark on this research, however, Ismail needed to secure funding, and so he applied for the Public Research Fellowship (PSRF), which awards undergraduates fellowships to engage in research that directly benefits community-based organizations, programs or groups. Ismail was selected as one of those undergraduates who would receive such funding.”

More at :

The Making of Modern India: FSU Study Abroad program, May-June 2016

Dr. Kathleen Erndl will lead a new India course in New Delhi in May 15 to June 24, 2016 as part of Florida State University’s International Programs offerings.  You can find out more about the program, and obtain registration information, at:

India is the largest democracy and also one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Like its national tree, the Banyan, India has multiple, intertwining roots and expansive branches. New Delhi, India’s capital city, will be a classroom for investigating the ancient roots and modern branches of India’s diverse cultures. With the guidance of FSU faculty and on-site experts, students will explore the origins, continuities, and transformations of India’s religions, society, politics, media, and the arts. This intensive, interdisciplinary program is ideally suited to students with a wide variety of general and specific interests.

REBUILDING NEPAL: A Nepali Dinner for Earthquake Relief

Please join the Tallahassee Nepali community and others in sharing a traditional Nepali meal, and in raising funds to assist in the rebuilding of Nepal’s earthquake destroyed villages.

When: July 18th, 2015, anytime between 5 and 9 PM

Where: United Church in Tallahassee, 1834 Mahan Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32308

Donation: The suggested minimum donation is $25 per person at the door. 100% of donated funds will go to earthquake relief. For additional information and to indicate that you will be attending, please see:

MCS/ICT Undergraduate Omar Ismail receives Public Service Research Fellowship Grant for study in Bangladesh  (full story)


June 2015 update

We have had a very busy year, and have been able to connect with many students and faculty interested in South Asian media and cultural studies at FSU and elsewhere.  Conference papers, articles and presentations from July 2014 to June 2015 can be found at the link above “Research in South Asian Media and Cultural Studies at FSU.”   Information about the Jan 22-23, 2015 South Asian Media and Cultural Studies Conference can also be found at the link above.

MCS Student Brendan Rempert travels to India for research
Posted by Kate Mullen on April 8, 2015
During the Undergraduate Research Symposium, undergraduate Media & Communication Studies student Brendan Rempert presented his poster, Community Perspective on the Impact of Voluntourism in Pamohi Village.  Full StoryRempert IMG_9571 

September 2014 update:

You can find more conference papers, articles and presentations from July 2013 to June 2014 on the link above “Research in South Asian Media Studies at FSU”.  The page, “Visiting Speakers, Guests,  and Speakers” also lists some interesting speakers we have had over the past years, including Fall 2014, and some presentations by FSU faculty and students.

March 2013 update

Here’s an update on some of the activities of graduate students and faculty affiliated with the South Asian Media Studies area at Florida State University.  We have had an active year, and the numerous papers and presentations by graduate students and faculty are listed below.

We are  looking forward to the meeting, “New Media, Old Media, Social Media: Changing South Asian Communications Scholarship,” a preconference for the 2013 meetings of the International Communication Association,  to be held  on June 16-17,  Khalili Lecture Theatre, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.  Stephen McDowell and Azmat Rasul are part of the organizing committee for this preconference.  More information about the meeting at:  The workshop is co-sponsored by the ICA Communication Law and Policy Division, the University of Pennsylvania, Jamia Millia Islamia, Shiv Nadar University, the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, and Florida State University.

Dr. Shruti Nair completed and defended her doctoral dissertation in Fall 2012, entitled “ICTs and Economic Empowerment of Women: Evaluation of SEWA’s ICT Activities,” and graduated in December.  She has just accepted a faculty position at S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) in Mumbai, one of the premier business schools in India.

Mariliis Vahe, & Khawaja Zain-ul-abdin received the Top Student Research paper award for, . “Breaking the Silence: Acceptability and impact of GirlTalk, an online health information source for young Pakistani females.” accepted for the 2nd biennial D.C. Health Communication Conference (DCHC). 28-30 March 2013, Fairfax, Virginia.

Dr. Ayesha Khurshid joined FSU in 2012 as Assistant Professor of Sociocultural and International Studies of Education in the College of Education. She received her doctorate in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and teaches courses on International Development Education, Anthropology of Education, and Multicultural Education.  Dr. Khurshid conducts interdisciplinary research on globalization, international development, and women’s education, and focuses on international education as a site that produces gendered citizenship in different contexts. She also studies how global policies to educate and empower women in developing and Muslim countries are translated into local contexts.