Graduate Programs

The FSU School of Communication offers graduate degrees at both its main campus in Tallahassee and its Panama City, Fla., campus. The master's degree programs include both professional and research tracks.

Master's Programs

The master’s degrees offered at main campus are Professional Communication with an Emphasis in Strategic Communication, and Communication and Digital Media with an Emphasis in Media and Communication Studies, or an Emphasis in Public Interest Media Communication. The School also offers a combined Bachelor’s to Master’s (BA/MA or BS/MS) program, which enables academically strong students to complete Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. This program is offered on the Tallahassee campus only.

The Panama City campus offers a master's degree in Corporate and Public Communication.

PhD in Communication

The doctoral program is primarily designed for students who are interested in pursuing positions at research-based institutions within the communication discipline, especially academic positions at research universities. However, students may choose to use the degree to launch a career in research, consultancy, not-for-profit organizations, governmental affairs, or one of the various communication-related industries.

Graduate Certificates

We offer three graduate certificates, which may be incorporated into any of our graduate degree programs or taken independently as a non-degree seeking student of the university. Our certificates are in Hispanic Marketing Communication, Project Management and Digital Video Production.

Helpful information

We admit master’s students three times a year. Deadline for Fall is April 1; Spring is Nov. 1; Summer is March 1.

Application deadline for the Fall admission into the doctoral program is December 15.

Opportunities for funding are available but limited, so prospective students are encouraged to apply early. All applicants for master's and doctoral programs must satisfy university requirements as well as School of Communication requirements. Check the Graduate Admissions page for more information on the application process.

Other useful links:

If you're interested in receiving printed materials or would like to talk to someone about the program, please contact graduate recruiter Betsy Crawford by either e-mail or by telephone at 850-645-9661.

Information about main campus tuition and fees as well as tuition for other FSU campuses can be found on the Controller's Office Web site.

The Communication Graduate Handbook provides valuable information about moving to Tallahassee and joining The Florida State University. The Graduate School at Florida State University also is a valuable source of information. There, you can find links to the Graduate Studies Information Packet, New Graduation Student Information Checklist and the Graduate Student Handbook, campus maps and many other resources.