Graduate Admissions FAQ

 Can I earn the degree completely online? 

 No. Currently we do not offer an online degree. 

 Do I have to take the GRE and what are the required scores?  

No, the GRE is not required for admission to the School of Communication graduate programs.

What English language proficiency tests do you accept and what are the required scores?  

The School of Communication accepts the following tests and minimum scores.  

TOEFL   IELTS   Cambridge English Scale   Michigan Assessment Level   Duolingo  
100    7   190   72   120  


How much does it cost?  

For up-to-date costs, please see the FSU Tuition & Fees page, 

Do you offer assistantships/funding?  

The School of Communication offers several assistantships to graduate students in the fall, spring and summer semesters. For more information about assistantships, please visit:

How long to complete the program? 

We recommend students take three classes each semester (9 credit hours). Our programs require 33 – 36 credit hours depending on the chosen capstone project (PIMC requires 36 for all capstone options). Following these guidelines, a student can finish their program in 4 semesters.

What are the capstone options and  do I have to write a thesis? 

In PIMC the capstone options are courses-only, creative project, or thesis (all options require 36 credit hours). In MCS, capstone options are courses-only (36 credit hours), creative project (33 credit hours), or thesis (33 credit hours). In IMC, capstone options are courses-only (36 credit hours), residency (33 credit hours), creative project (33 credit hours), or thesis (33 credit hours). 

 What is the difference between an MA and MS? 

Students who received a BA degree also qualify for the MA degree so you have the option to select the MS or MA degree.  

Students who received a BS degree will need to take additional language courses to qualify for a MA, but qualify for a MS degree without taking any additional courses.

Please see below the BULLETIN’s description of the Master of Arts requirements. 

Graduate Bulletin: 

“In addition to the requirements for the MS, candidates for the Master of arts degree must meet the following requirements. 

  1. Proficiency in a foreign language demonstrated by certification by the appropriate language department, or completion of twelve (12) semester hours in a foreign language with an average grade of at least 3.0 (“B”), or four years of a single language in high school. 
  1. Six (6) or more semester hours of graduate credit in one or more of the following fields: art; classical language, literature, and civilization; communication; (not to include speech correction); english; history; humanities; modern languages and linguistics; music; philosophy; religion; and theatre.” 

Who should write my letters of recommendation? 

The best letters of recommendation are written by instructors with whom you have had one or more classes. Choose someone who knows you and your work well and who can honestly speak of your strengths.   

I was not a Communication major do I need to take prerequisites?  

No, we do not require prerequisites to starting the major area of study for our graduate programs.  

Can I have the application fee waived? 

 No, the application fee of $30 cannot be waived.